Solas Safepass Training Courses - Kerry 087-2765335

 SafePassTraining course dates in Kerry Safepass Training Courses in Kerry Safepass Training Course Dates

Solas Fás Safe Pass training Course dates 087-2765335

  • Saturday 28th Feb Killarney, Co Kerry

087 2765335 (Link to other website)


Training for the construction industry

  • Abrasive Wheel courses
  • Manual Handling (lifting) course
  • Solas (Fás) Safe Pass course (for your safepass card)

Seamus O Sullivan Safe Pass Trainer in Kerry 087-2765335

Solas SafePass training courses in Kerry every week.

  • Safe Pass training courses
  • Manual Handling training courses
  • Abrasive Wheel training courses
  • Angle grinders
  • Consaws
  • Bench grinders

Seamus O Sullivan (local Safe Pass trainer in Kerry 087 2765335) has delivered many Solas (Fas) Safepass courses *******manual handling *********abrasive wheel training courses in many parts of Kerry, eg Killarney, Tralee, Listowel, Dingle, Cahirciveen, Waterville, Killorglin, Ballyheigue, Castlisland. Solas Safepass Courses have also been delivered in Millstreet, Macroom, Mallow, Ballydesmond, Limerick, Galway, Dublin and Cork City. Most of the Solas Safe Pass training courses are now delivered in Killarney, Co Kerry.

SafePass training courses in Killarney, Tralee and Listowel. Other training courses for the construction industry are Manual Handling (lifting), Abrasive Wheels, eg Con Saw, Angle Grinder and bench grinder.